Sunday, April 29, 2012

Now You're In New York!

This past weekend I had the privilege to embark with the family on a road trip to New York. We were all invited to two big Puerto Rican events. My Mom's best friend growing up invited us to her and her husband's 25th wedding anniversary. Our other engagement was my cousin's wedding. This meant that we were dancing, dinning, and dressed to the nines all weekend in the Big Apple. For those of you who don't really know me all that well don't know that I spent pretty much half of my childhood in NYC. When my Dad joined the Navy he and my Mom landed in Virginia Beach. This being the case, we drove up and down route 13 many, many, many times. In a big way this trip was nostalgic. Pictured first is Dad and I on the way up. My sister Lindsey, my nephew Drake, my Mom, and Grandma didn't make it into this cut but they were in the van.

The drive up began on Thursday and ended on Friday in the AM. Not really a big surprise with a two year old passenger. Our Friday consisted of primping for the 25th anniversary. My sister and I initially thought it was going to be like a cocktail party or something. BUT we were wrong! When we Arrived at the Saint Ephraim's in Brooklyn, NY we knew it was going to be a long service and a long night to follow. To keep Drake occupied my mom made these post it notes.(we ended up playing instead of him, of course.) 

Saturday was our day in NYC!! Our cousins from Virginia Beach met up with us in Staten Island, from there we caught a Ferry to the Big City. The sun was already going down when we got there so our trip was short but sweet. I enjoy being in the city even just to be surrounded by giant buildings!!
Lindsey and Drake are featured here waiting for the Ferry. 

 It seemed like as soon as we got there we had to turn around a make a dash back to catch the next ride home.Don't you just love the New York Sky line at night?

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